Fill Your Paper With the Breathings of Your Heart

fillyourpaperwiththebreathingsofyourheartYesterday was National Poetry Day, which made me think about one of my favourite poets, William Wordsworth and how poetry and literature in general has changed my life and made me the woman I am today. Wordsworth once wrote, “Fill your paper with the breathings of you heart”. How beautiful is that? To me, there are very few things more important to me than the ability to write.
While I love writing about the loves of my life, like fashion and beauty and music, writing has always been my number one (though my love for fashion manifested itself earlier… but that’s a story for another day). While some choose makeup and accessories as their mode of expressing themselves, writing has always been my favourite.
As a curious child, writing was a way to be creative, and create stories from my overactive imagination. As a sensitive teenager who felt everything quite heavily, writing was my way of expressing thoughts of inadequacy, of pain and trying to figure out who I was. As a young adult who felt pretty lost about what direction her life was going in, writing for this blog has helped me find purpose and solace again, in a way that nothing else could.
I will forever be grateful to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with the slightest hint of a talent for expressing myself through the written word and placing me in a family with generations and generations of writers who respect and treasure writing so much.


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