Start Where You Are

startwhereyouareLast week during a quick shopping trip with Christopher in an overly busy mall, I saw a shirt that caught my eye. It was just a simple top that said “Start Where You Are”. Who knew that for a week (and longer, I’m sure) I would be repeating that over and over in my head? It seems I am always in need of the lesson to take a moment and breathe, and be where I am, not focusing on someone else’s journey, or on what experiences or trials I may face in the future. A friend posted a quote by Max Lucado earlier this week that summed it up really well, “The key is this: Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet. You simply have enough for today.” Like I said last week, there are so many times that I get caught up in trying to figure out what’s next that it makes me so anxious I can’t do what I need to do today.
Start where you are. You’ll get where you need to be.

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