
Posts by this author:

Reading List | Spring 2016

I’m still not great at finishing my last seasonal reading list, but I just can’t resist making another. Spring is finally upon us, and there are some new releases in the book department, as well as a few others that have…


Our Lucky Day

For most people, March 17th is a day to wear green, eat chocolate coins, or perhaps drink green beer, but it’s a more important day for me. On March 17th, four years ago, a cute boy asked if I, Kristi…


Style Wish List | Spring 2016

First off, apologies for the lack of posting lately. I have completely underestimated how much this new job would affect my daily routine. I’m still working on figuring out how best to manage my time with my new responsibilities, but…


The Weekend Post | 03.13.16

Happy Sunday, friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day so far, and not missing that hour so much. I still don’t understand why we have to do the whole Daylight Savings Time, and wish I could just skip…


How to Get Manageable Hair

For the majority of my life, I have had difficulty with my hair. I was blessed (though it took me a few years to realize that’s what it was) with wavy hair with curly tendencies, depending on the weather, what…


Why We Shouldn’t Apologize for Our Emotions

I’m quite an emotional person. I cry when I watch movies. I cry when I watch TV shows. Sometimes I even cry when I watch commercials. I’m also prone to crying when other people cry. And sometimes I don’t cry,…


Beauty Wishlist | Spring 2016

Spring is one of my favourite seasons. I love the change in the weather, seeing the sun more often, the flowers, not wearing a big coat or boots, and of course, buying new beauty products. There have been so many…


Soft Lilac Nails | Mani Monday

Spring may still be a couple of weeks away, but with the lovely weather we’ve been having, I’m ready to ditch my winter nail polish colours in favour of some pastels and brighter shades. While I’ve been wearing brighter shades…


Products I’ve Used Up | March 2016

I feel like it’s been ages since I last did an empties post, but it’s been less than two months. As you know, every month, I like to save up my used products so I can have a visual of…


New in the Shop | March 2016

As you know (and in case you don’t), I have an Etsy shop where I sell simple black and white digital prints of my favourite TV, movie and inspirational quotes. Every month or so, I like to add something new.…


February Favourites

Happy March! Seriously, how is it March already? We even had an extra day in February, and it still feels like this year is already flying by! Before we get too deep into March, I want to share my favourite…


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